"Has she shown you her tree-house?"..... "Not yet. Would you do me the honour Miss Dashwood? It is very fine out." ...."With pleasure."
"A country living is my ideal - a small parish where I might do some good, keep chickens and give very short sermons."
"Piracy is our only option."........"What is swabbing exactly?"
I think I could spend at least a day between the gorgeous grounds where those wild woolly sheep were running all over (and apparently had to be shorn halfway through filming as they were so heavy they were tipping over) and that amazing stately house. I would love to see the library ("These are mostly foreign...") and see the window where Emma Thompson (as Elinor) watched the sword fight between Hugh Grant (as Edward) and the adorable Emilie Francois (as Margaret). "Oooooff!"
Yes, I think that would be a lovely day, even if I didn't get to climb up to the tree-house. My sister and I plan to go there someday and drink it all in. Care to join us?
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