Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 12, 2012

Downton Abbey Season 3 and Call the Midwife Christmas Special

Just in case you have missed the latest PBS membership drive (and DO please donate to keep this series going) Season 3 of Downton Abbey starts on Sunday January 6th, 2013 in North America. If you donate enough, PBS will send you the entire series on DVD before the general release at the end of January. They don't say when it would arrive at your door, but think about it and dig deep to support PBS my friends, whether or not you give enough to get the DVDs. Remember, we get it without commercials. The Brits have to contend with lots of ads on ITV.

I will whet your appetite by telling you that there is a wedding (or two), a tragedy (prepare the tissues please) and some great new characters. In my humble opinion, Shirley MacLaine was just meh, but you will have fun with the new staff downstairs! And the characters you know and love already are going to feel like old friends at the end of this series. So prepare the tea parties now! I think Series 3 is significantly better than Series 2 (I am screening the series early in order to post weekly right after each episode airs).

If you haven't already discovered the lovely ladies of Call the Midwife, do yourself a favour and add the DVDs of Series 1 to your Christmas list. Then you will be able to catch up before Sunday December 30th at 7:30 pm (check local listings), which is when we get the Call the Midwife Christmas Special.

If you have already fallen in love with these angels of the East End of London (circa 1957), then you will be watching with me as we see how Chummy is getting along in married life. I believe she directs the Nativity Play in this episode. Mayhem will inevitably ensue! My big sister will be doing a guest post on this episode on Dec 30th so come here right after you watch it for a re-cap.

So dance along with Trixie, and raise your glasses for a wonderful 2013! Period drama is finally gettin' some respect!

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