Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 1, 2013

Downton Abbey Season 3 Episode 1

SPOILER ALERT! This post is intended for those who have already seen Season 3 Episode 1!

Well, it is spring of 1920 and drop-waisted dresses, long beads, bobbed hair and Marcel Waves are abounding. Downton Abbey is back!! The Archbishop is here and the rehearsal for Mary and Matthew's wedding is underway. Can it be true?

OK, I could stare at that photo for ages. Is it the dress or the staircase that is taking my breath away? Both, I imagine. I know Mary can be a real witch, but I can forgive Matthew for wanting both her and that fabulous house. What a combo!

We have been waiting so long for this wedding to actually happen, it seems unreal that they are starting the season with it. And it was like a royal wedding from the coach with liveried footmen to the entire village decorated with bunting and cheering.

Lord Grantham: I'm so happy. So very happy. I think my chest will explode.

Oh, Lord Grantham. You lost Cora's fortune gambling on the Canadian Grand Trunk Railway, Downton Abbey may have to be sold and all you can say is that your chest will explode? Tsk, tsk! Good thing Reggie Swire may swing a few shillings Matthew's way.

Sybil and Branson are back from Ireland. Baby Branson is on the way and Branson (Tom as he is now known) is letting loose in the dining room again. From the glaring and snapping of wine glass stems, methinks our fave butler Carson is expecting a return of the poo soup tureen from Season 2.

Looks like Branson and Matthew are going to be fast friends. All this talk about marrying Crawley sisters and sticking together looks promising for future episodes.

Free Bates! Free Bates! Free Bates! 

Any bets on how many episodes it takes Anna to crack the case? I am betting Julian Fellowes rides this right to the end of season 3.

Shirley MacLaine as Cora's vulgar American mother came off fairly well. She looked like she was actually frightening most of the English cast and she and Maggie Smith looked like they truly despised each other.

'Twas a bit odd when she sang "Let me call you sweetheart" right to The Dowager didn't you think? And ending with kissing her hand? One whiskey too many, Mrs. Levinson!

So, we have a new footman, more scheming downstairs (Thomas and O'Brien are at it again) and Lady Edith is throwing herself at the old dude again. Downton has hit it's stride again thank goodness. We are in for another great ride!

And now for the quotes of the evening...


Martha Levinson: Oh dear, I'm afraid the war has made old women of us both.
Dowager Countess Violet: I wouldn't say that, but then I always keep out of the sun.


Mary: Carson's motto is "Be prepared".
Dowager Countess Violet: I'm afraid Baden-Powell has stolen it.


Anna Bates: What I see is a good man my lady. They're not like buses. There won't be another one in ten minutes' time.


Matthew Crawley: You really feel you can recruit Cousin Robert for Sinn Fein?


Tom Branson: You won't be happy with anyone else while Lady Mary walks this earth


Dowager Countess Violet: Oh, do you think I might have a drink? (Violet turns her head and realizes she just addressed Robert) Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were a waiter.


Sir Anthony: You look very nice. Have you done something jolly with your hair?

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